Trinity Church, 115 Charlotte Street, Saint John

Saturday, November 27 10.00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.

There will be a break from approximately 12-1 for lunch. Bring your own, or visit a nearby food establishment. If we still can’t do liquids at noon, we will take orders and bring in coffee of tea from Tim’s for everyone who wishes at lunch time.

The day will follow the schedule below as near as possible. There will be guest presenters for as many of the 10 sessions as can be arranged. Each session will follow the format of an Our Daily Bread booklet titled, “Celebrating Jesus.  10 Christmas Reflections on Christ and Community.”

10:00 Hello to everyone and Introduction “Christ Brings Peace” as written by author Marvin Williams and read by Rev. Steven Scribner.

10:20 “A Down Under Christmas” as read by David Goss with commentary by Lisa M. Samra from the booklet.  Her question to be discussed is, “What were the other unexpected aspects of Jesus birth? And how else did Jesus turn people’s expectations upside down? A poem, reading, or musical selection will follow relevant to the topic under discussion. There will be a five-minute break between the next session for private prayer or reflection.

Each of the sessions that follow will be led by other individuals. The booklet will suggest a topic of discussion after each reading. The organizers will provide a poem, narrative, or musical selection leading into a five-minute period of silent reflection.

10:40 A Table for All- Led by Harold McInnis.

11:00 Joy to the World- led by TBA

11:20 Dreaming at Christmas- led by TBA

11:40 Mission Impossible_ Led by Judi Harvey-Isaac

12:00 – 1:00 Lunch (see above)

1:00 The True Gift of Christmas- led by Jim McKenna

1:20 Captain of a Motley Crew- led by TBA

1:40 Mary Knew- led by Willow Edwards

2:00 Through the Tears- led by Linda Webb

2:20 O Come Emmanuel- led by TBA

2:40- 3:00 Time allowed in case we can’t stick to the 20 minutes for each session.

If we’re on time, this period could be for any further questions of discussion.

Please consider joining us for as many sessions as you can manage. Come and go as you wish as each session ends. You will not be disappointed in taking this intentional time for your spiritual health as we enter into Advent. Please let Denise know in the office by e mail or phone your planned attendance in order that we will be ready for those who wish to attend.